
Ditoplant export bv is highly specialised in growing, breeding and supplying perennial youngplants, waterplants, ferns and bulbs to professional growers. This youngplants are well suited for growing on in pots/containers or in the open ground. It is our aim to offer as wide as possible range of youngplants for potting, or planting in open ground. This wide choice will enable you to minimize the number of suppliers to your advantage. You will have only one contact to make and moreover shipping costs will be lower because of centralized purchasing.

Our assortment consists of:


Youngplants in tray's                        Openground plants

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Our aim is to supply youngplants of excellent quality. To this end we grow as many as possible of the plants in our own nursery. Our nursery is especially equipped for the production of youngplants in trays and openground plants.

The production of youngplants takes place in greenhouses which are special­ly equipped for this purpose. The climate in the greenhouses is computer controlled, thus giving the optimum climate control and resulting in a better growing process. Our aim:  deliver your youngplants in perfect condition!

Climate control is especially important in the rooting departments. The temperature and humidity is optimally mixed in these areas. This ideal combination makes not only a better rootingprocess of the cuttings, but also a better quality of roots. The youngplants are then moved to the shadehouses for hardening off. Before delivery they will remain there for a couple of weeks, depending on the species. That is why it is possible for you to pot our youngplants directly (except for ferns and seedlings) outside into containers or in the fields.

High quality youngplants in perfect condition. That’s what it’s all about.

The production of openground plants takes place in the fields. After planting out in the spring, we make sure that there is a continuous checking for diseases, pests and also for trueness and purity of the species. All plants are dug up in the autumn and kept in our own coldstores. We pack and supply the plants in the winter.

The company

Rooting department


Openground plants